
Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Moon Cookout!!!

Howdy Folks and Welcome to the Warrens New Moon Cookout!!!

Last night was the new moon.  That means we started a new month according to the Hebrew calendar!  In the Scriptures we are told to blow the trumpet on the new moon. (Numbers 10:10)  We only have a shofar ( a trumpet made out of an animals horn).  SO...that is what we blow!  Oh, and did I mention that we FEAST!!!  I would have liked to have a picture of the moon for the blog, but that didn't work out!  It was really beautiful!


We had all three last night!  We spotted the moon, blew the shofar, ate lots of wonderful food, and spent time visiting! The children played music until 11:00pm.  What a gift from the Father in Heaven to be able to praise Him with singing!

 Today has been a day of rest at the ranch.  Monty and I went on a walk to the garden and took naps.  The children have been playing games and getting rested for a big work day tomorrow.  Putting up fence is on the agenda for tomorrow and that will make for a long day.  BUT, tomorrow night is Sabbath and we will again get a rest from our labors!

We pray that all of you will be blessed and have a terrific weekend!


  1. That was great, ladies! Fun to see your pictures! You inspired me to take more pics next month! So, do you always consider the new moon a rest day, then? We've been having discussions about that - whether it is or isn't, but haven't made the jump yet. . . I'd be interested to hear your take. Thanks for posting!

  2. We miss you guys sooo much! Can't wait to see you when we get back!
    Happy new moon and Shabbat Shalom.
    A2 for the Hass tribe.

  3. So nice to see the pics and hear about what's happening with you! The place looks great. How nice how each of you is doing an instrument. Would love to hear the music! Couldn't quite see all of Sarah's instrument--it's not a banjo, is it?


  4. Jill-Sarah is playing a mandolin. You need to come see us and you would be able to hear the music in person. They are doing a wonderful job and getting better every time they play!
